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Choose your home inspection location


Fort Collins, colorado

Meet our Fort Collins home inspection team - the newest to our Colorado lineup. Feel free to hit us up with any questions! 


boulder, colorado

Meet our Boulder Home Inspection Team! Serving Boulder and all of its surrounding towns. Have questions? Let’s talk!


denver, colorado

Meet our Denver Home Inspection Team! Serving all of the Denver Metro Area. Have questions? Let's Talk!


colorado springs, colorado

Meet our Colorado Springs Home Inspection Team!  A full team to service the entire Springs area. Have questions? Let's Talk!


phoenix, arizona

Meet our home inspection Phoenix, AZ team run by founder Curtis Kloc, Certified Master Inspector, & US Navy veteran, with more than 10k inspections under his belt. Consider him your encyclopedia of home inspections.


CHANDLER, arizona

Meet our home inspection Chandler, AZ team run by Michael Nelson, US Army Veteran. Father of 2 boys, when he isn't inspecting he's probably at one of their baseball games.

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