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rental housing licensing | City of boulder

Inspections Over Coffee is licensed and certified to perform a wide range of Boulder Rental License Inspections. Our services include new Baseline Inspections,  Renewal License Inspections, and/or SmartRegs Inspections. In addition, same day inspection reports are always provided.

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Baseline (New) Rental License Inspections (including Safety and Mechanical)

Inspections Over Coffee is licensed by the city of Boulder to perform Baseline Rental License Inspections and Renewal Inspections. We have several trained rental speciality inspectors, which ensures that clients will be able to schedule an inspection typically within 24-72 hours.

Boulder SmartRegs Inspections

Boulder’s SmartRegs program is a requirement to bring rental properties in the city up to a baseline energy efficiency rating. Our contracted energy specialists help recommend a plan if the unit does not pass.

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Dark Sky Lighting Compliance

To comply with the rental license requirements, rental properties in Boulder must meet the outdoor lighting requirements. Our team can provide an outdoor lighting certification on single family and multi-family properties.

Rental License Inspection & SmartRegs

SmartRegs program is a requirement to bring rental properties in the city up to a baseline energy efficiency rating. Thus, it's best to combine these two inspection services for your first time rental inspection. Once you've received your SmartRegs certification, you will only need to schedule a baseline rental license inspection when changing ownership or your rental license is expiring.

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Schedule your boulder rental inspection

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Boulder, Colorado

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